I spent hours looking for a setting in MS Outlook 2010 to make it start up in online mode ie: not connected to the MS Exchange Server… I (sort of) remember wanting it to startup in offline mode so that it wouldn’t download all the emails on startup, but now I wanted to turn that off. But, I couldn’t find the setting – I even looked in the Windows Registry using regedit but decided to stop and look again in the options screens – I eventually found it.
Here’s the settings – in case I ever forget:
File->Info->Account Settings->Account Settings->Change->More Settings->General->Manually control connection state->Connect with network
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Outlook 2010 starts up in offline mode [Solved]
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Trawler stuck on Clifton beach: when is the next Spring tide?
So, following on from the tweets this morning after listening to Cape Talk 567, the Eihatsu Maru is still beached on Clifton 1st beach :(
So, when exactly is Spring tide and what is it?:
Range variation: springs and neaps
The semi-diurnal range (the difference in height between high and low waters over about half a day) varies in a two-week cycle.
Approximately twice a month, around new moon and full moon when the Sun, Moon and Earth form a line (a condition known as syzygy) the tidal force due to the sun reinforces that due to the Moon.
The tide's range is then at its maximum: this is called the spring tide, or just springs.
It is not named after the season but, like that word, derives from the meaning "jump, burst forth, rise", as in a natural spring.
So, when is the next Spring tide?
From the table below: at 02h45 in the morning of 20th May – it will be 1,58m (compared to the 1,28m yesterday at 12h04 Tues 15th May) – that’s an extra 30cm.
See here for the latest photos of the stranded (beached) Eihatsu Maru on Clifton 1st beach via Google images and here for the latest videos.
See forum here for nice pics (incl. pics of cable snapping again): http://www.flyafrica.info/forums/showthread.php?48730-Trawler-Eihatsu-Maru-aground-1st-Beach-Clifton/page2
Update on Fri 18th May: the trawler is now free! They managed to get it off the sand at about 15h35 on Fri afternoon :)
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Wow GConnect and AfriHosts’ new UnCapped ADSL offerings are the best priced!
So, as ADSL connectivity comes down in price in South Africa, I constantly look to see if it’s time for me to switch from purchasing bandwidth on a per GB basis or just go with an uncapped purchase. I’ve tabulated the prices from various companies and worked out what the price point is that makes going uncapped worth it.
Seems like GConnect’s latest offering (that also includes 100 free minutes of WiFi) is the best at R129 or R190 per month for 384kbps and 1 Mbps respectively.
Then for 4Mbps Afrihost’s offering is best at R397 pm, and for the 10Mbps offer for R997 pm.
Here are links to the other companies’ offerings: Axxess, MWeb, OpenWeb, Telkom
If you were buying bandwidth on a per GB basis at say R10.00 (from AfriHost – where I pay R29 for 3GB per month), then the break-even point (@384 kbps) means that if I use more than 13 GB per month then it pays me to go Uncapped. For 1 Mbps it is 20 GB per month; for 4 MBps it’s 41 GB and for 10Mbps it is 134GB.
Note: Axxess allows 2 connections to their uncapped service – nice…
Note also: these prices EXclude the Telkom ADSL line rental costs.
Also, bear in mind that going Uncapped also means that the speeds are shaped – which means it could be slower than the per GB capped speeds.
Well done GConnect for reducing the pricing and (in my eyes) being the winner for 384kbps and 1Mbps, and Afrihost the winner for the higher speeds (4 and 10Mbps).
But, for me, it’s still not worth going with the Uncapped offering – I don’t use that much bandwidth (yet), and I also get free bandwidth from FNB. and I also get free GB with my ADSL line contract – so it’s not a simple calculation.
Note… this post has been updated – see here for the updated information: Discovery Vitality’s Uncapped ADSL from R99 per month
Split large pdf into single pdf pages
If you have a long document and you want to print and pdf each page separately into single pages then this is what you need… tools are free and OpenSource software:
PDFCreator easily creates PDFs from any Windows program. Use it like a printer in Word, or any other Windows application.
Download from here: [17.8MB] version 1.3.2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/files/latest/download?source=files
Install PdfCreator, then print your document to a pdf file using your newly installed printer (called PdfCreator).
Then download and install PDFsam (Pdf Split And Merge) [14MB]: http://tenet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pdfsam/pdfsam/2.2.1/pdfsam-win-v2_2_1.exe
Select the “Split” plugin page:
Then Drag n Drop your original pdf file into the files list, then select the “Burst” option to split the original into single page pdf files:
Then click the “Run” button to amazingly and lightningly fast create a single pdf file for each page.
Thanks to @Shoe_Box_Girl for the original question:
Thursday, 3 May 2012
The winner of the “no contract, pre-paid data deal” in South Africa is… CellC!
I had my eye on the much-advertised-to-me offer from FNB. I was prompted to investigate further when I saw a tweet to FNB asking for clarity on the FNB deal (first 50 MB per month at 30c/MB, thereafter 59c/MB). The pre-requisites for using this deal was listed as “A Vodacom Service Provider contract (excluding alternative service providers like AutoPage, Nashua Mobile, etc.) Or alternatively, any MTN cellphone contract”.
So, if I wanted to take up this offer, then I would need to take up a cheap contract that would attract monthly charges, and then the per MB rate would be low.
Here are the Twitter conversations:
@TopEditorInt warned against contracts – I tend to agree with that… so, I looked further…
I needed to answer the question: “What was the best per MB rate that I could get without taking out a contract, and where the data wouldn’t expire in a month or two?”
Note: this posting has been updated and edited since it was first published… VirginMobile was my original choice (until I found out the their packages expired after 30, 90 or 120 days), the modified “winner” is CellC
So, the search was on… perhaps a small monthly fee for a contract from MTN or VSP (Vodacom Service Provider) with a small amount of data could be topped up with data from FNB? So, I checked all the web sites and compared them. Bear in mind, I really didn’t want a monthly fee since I hardly used my iPad away from WiFi for more than once or twice per month.
Vodacom data deals list had “MyMeg 10” deal on offer (90c per MB) – but those aren’t contracts so I wouldn’t be able to topup with the FNB deal :( These were valid until the end of the following month.
MTN data deals list had “MTN-10MB” deal on offer (R1 per MB)– but those aren’t contracts so I wouldn’t be able to topup with the FNB deal :(
CellC data deals list had “25” deal on offer (80c per MB) – but those aren’t contracts so I wouldn’t be able to topup with the FNB deal :(
These were valid for 30 days.
8ta data deals list had “100” deal on offer (40c per MB) – but those aren’t contracts so I wouldn’t be able to topup with the FNB deal :(
These were valid until the end of the following month.
VirginMobile data deals list had a flat rate of 60c per MB – but those aren’t contracts so I wouldn’t be able to topup with the FNB deal :(
Plus: DOUBLE YOUR AIRTIME on your first recharge: That takes the rate down to 26c/MB
You get the recharge amount immediately. The first 50% of FREE airtime will be loaded within 24 hours. A calendar month later you will receive the next 50% of FREE airtime. e.g. If you recharged with R300, you receive your R300 + R150 (50% of the first recharge free) and a calendar month later, you’ll receive another R150 (balance of the 50%) free.
So, if you bought R300 for your first purchase, that would get you a rate of 26c per MB – that’s even better than the “special” FNB deal, and there’s no need for a contract and no monthly fees,
After the first recharge, the per MB rate goes up to 45c – still not too shabby:
With this hurdle, I decided to look further into the other offerings more closely… and I found this winning deal from CellC: 3GB Valid for 365 days (SIM card only – no modem) for R399 once off!
The CellC offer works out to 13c per MB, R133 per GB, or R33 per month, and 250MB per month – perfect! I don’t think I’d use that much but hey, what a winning deal!
Comparing this with the original “winning” VirginMobile offer even with the ‘Double your airtime on first recharge’ I would only get 1.5GB at 26c/MB for R400! So, I will get double the bandwidth that won’t expire after 120 days.
Comparing that with the FNB offer of 30c/MB then 59c/MB – it just plainly blows that out of this universe!
Now, where can I go and get one of those CellC microSIMs from?: http://www.cellc.co.za/cellc-stores
Oh, and yes, you can purchase CellC airtime from the FNB Internet Banking web site :)
BUT, the 3GB for R399 deal can ONLY be purchased at any CellC shop.
Call CellC on 084 140 (Available 24 hours a day, including public holidays)
Twitter: @CellC
Find your nearest CellC store here: http://www.cellc.co.za/cellc-stores Remember to take your ID and some sort of proof of address eg: Edgars account, or municipal account.
I wonder how much their MicroSIMs cost? {From comments: R29 incl VAT)
Thanks to the original Tweeters for prompting me to do this investigation!
Please let me know if you have found a better solution to this by adding your comments to this post.
Update 30 Apr 2012: Just got a response from VirginMobile to an email – the MicroSIM cost 99c (not like Vodacom’s that cost R110) and can be obtained from any VirginMobile store.
Update 01May2012 08h00: So, I went into a VirginMobile store and wanted to confirm my findings. I wanted to confirm with the salesman that the Virgin Mobile airtime didn’t expire… but, to my surprise he showed me a brochure with a table of how long the airtime lasted for before expiring – so, it seems that VirginMobile airtime does expire:
How frustrating – I had done all of this research on the web site (and awarded a “clear winner” to VirginMobile) only to find out of this obscure “expiry period”!
BTW: I searched long and hard on their web site and couldn’t find any reference to the expiry period – hopefully @VirginMobileSA will reply to my tweet.
So, I decided to rename the title of this posing – I removed the “non-expiring” phrase, so as not to mislead you my readers… and now I need to decide whether to award my winning provider to one of the other networks?
If I decide to go with another network then they certainly will not be the winner of this “competition” – watch this space for my decision…
Update 01May2012 18h45: I have updated the post with further investigations and I have decided to go with the CellC offer – so, the clear winner of this competition is: the CellC 3GB for 365 days offer
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
More hidden Skype emoticons in Skype 5.5 (and 5.8 and 6.0) release: summarised list (updated)
New Skype emoticons available only in Skype 5.5:
(download Skype offline installer here [22MB]: http://download.skype.com/SkypeSetup.msi)
(Thanks to http://www.emoticonsskype.com for listing them)
There are also 2 more hidden ones (Easter eggs).
Of course Skype users can click on the Emoticon button and use the standard emoticons Skype 5.5:

or type in the following: {paste them into your Skype chat to see the emoticons}
{note: the duplicate smileys show that there's more than 1 way to type the smiley}
(emoticons with text in red are the secret ones)
laugh :D :-D :=D :d :-d :=d (laugh)
Here are the more hidden (secret) keyboard keystrokes in one place:
{paste them into your Skype chat to see the emoticons}
bandit (bandit)
bug (bug)
call (call)
finger (finger)
fubar (fubar)
headbang (headbang) (banghead)
heidy (heidy)
mooning (mooning)
myspace (myspace)
poolparty (poolparty) (hrv)
rock (rock)
smoke (smoking) (smoke) (ci)
swear (swear)
tmi (tmi)
toivo (toivo)
Face palm (fail)
Working From Home (wfh)
Fingers Crossed (fingers) (fingerscrossed) (yn)
Tumbleweed (tumbleweed)
Lalala (lalala) (lala) (notlistening)
Waiting (waiting) (forever) (impatience)
Hi-five (highfive) (hifive) (h5)
Bye (bye)
Updated on 5Sept2011:
For you avid readers that got this far, here’s another hidden Easter Egg: The disappearing cat: In an active chat session: hold down (ie: press and don’t release any keys) the keys c then a then t – in other words, type cattttttttttttttttttt then release all keys.
A gray cat appears holding out its paw and eventually disappears.
For more details go here: http://bluescreensolutions.blogspot.com/2011/02/skypes-disappearing-cat-and-other.html
From http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/skype/54999/
Display flags of the world in your chats:

(flag:AF) Afghanistan
(flag:AL) Albania, People’s Socialist Republic of
(flag:DZ) Algeria, People’s Democratic Republic of
(flag:AS) American Samoa
(flag:AD) Andorra, Principality of
(flag:AO) Angola, Republic of
(flag:AI) Anguilla
(flag:AQ) Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)
(flag:AG) Antigua and Barbuda
(flag:AR) Argentina, Argentine Republic
(flag:AM) Armenia
(flag:AW) Aruba
(flag:AU) Australia, Commonwealth of
(flag:AT) Austria, Republic of
(flag:AZ) Azerbaijan, Republic of
(flag:BS) Bahamas, Commonwealth of the
(flag:BH) Bahrain, Kingdom of
(flag:BD) Bangladesh, People’s Republic of
(flag:BB) Barbados
(flag:BY) Belarus
(flag:BE) Belgium, Kingdom of
(flag:BZ) Belize
(flag:BJ) Benin (was Dahomey), People’s Republic of
(flag:BM) Bermuda
(flag:BT) Bhutan, Kingdom of
(flag:BO) Bolivia, Republic of
(flag:BA) Bosnia and Herzegovina
(flag:BW) Botswana, Republic of
(flag:BR) Brazil, Federative Republic of
(flag:IO) British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)
(flag:VG) British Virgin Islands
(flag:BN) Brunei Darussalam
(flag:BG) Bulgaria, People’s Republic of
(flag:BF) Burkina Faso (was Upper Volta)
(flag:BI) Burundi, Republic of
(flag:KH) Cambodia, Kingdom of (was Khmer Republic/Kampuchea, Democratic)
(flag:CM) Cameroon, United Republic of
(flag:CA) Canada
(flag:CV) Cape Verde, Republic of
(flag:KY) Cayman Islands
(flag:CF) Central African Republic
(flag:TD) Chad, Republic of
(flag:CL) Chile, Republic of
(flag:CN) China, People’s Republic of
(flag:CX) Christmas Island
(flag:CC) Cocos (Keeling) Islands
(flag:CO) Colombia, Republic of
(flag:KM) Comoros, Union of the
(flag:CD) Congo, Democratic Republic of (was Zaire)
(flag:CG) Congo, People’s Republic of
(flag:CK) Cook Islands
(flag:CR) Costa Rica, Republic of
(flag:CI) Cote D’Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the
(flag:CU) Cuba, Republic of
(flag:CY) Cyprus, Republic of
(flag:CZ) Czech Republic
(flag:DK) Denmark, Kingdom of
(flag:DJ) Djibouti, Republic of (was French Afars and Issas)
(flag:DM) Dominica, Commonwealth of
(flag:DO) Dominican Republic
(flag:EC) Ecuador, Republic of
(flag:EG) Egypt, Arab Republic of
(flag:SV) El Salvador, Republic of
(flag:GQ) Equatorial Guinea, Republic of
(flag:ER) Eritrea
(flag:EE) Estonia
(flag:ET) Ethiopia
(flag:FO) Faeroe Islands
(flag:FK) Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
(flag:FJ) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands
(flag:FI) Finland, Republic of
(flag:FR) France, French Republic
(flag:GF) French Guiana
(flag:PF) French Polynesia
(flag:TF) French Southern Territories
(flag:GA) Gabon, Gabonese Republic
(flag:GM) Gambia, Republic of the
(flag:GE) Georgia
(flag:DE) Germany
(flag:GH) Ghana, Republic of
(flag:GI) Gibraltar
(flag:GR) Greece, Hellenic Republic
(flag:GL) Greenland
(flag:GD) Grenada
(flag:GP) Guadaloupe
(flag:GU) Guam
(flag:GT) Guatemala, Republic of
(flag:GN) Guinea, Revolutionary People’s Rep’c of
(flag:GW) Guinea-Bissau, Republic of (was Portuguese Guinea)
(flag:GY) Guyana, Republic of
(flag:HT) Haiti, Republic of
(flag:HM) Heard and McDonald Islands
(flag:VA) Holy See (Vatican City State)
(flag:HN) Honduras, Republic of
(flag:HK) Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China
(flag:HR) Hrvatska (Croatia)
(flag:HU) Hungary, Hungarian People’s Republic
(flag:IS) Iceland, Republic of
(flag:IN) India, Republic of
(flag:ID) Indonesia, Republic of
(flag:IR) Iran, Islamic Republic of
(flag:IQ) Iraq, Republic of
(flag:IE) Ireland
(flag:IL) Israel, State of
(flag:IT) Italy, Italian Republic
(flag:JM) Jamaica
(flag:JP) Japan
(flag:JO) Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of
(flag:KZ) Kazakhstan, Republic of
(flag:KE) Kenya, Republic of
(flag:KI) Kiribati, Republic of (was Gilbert Islands)
(flag:KP) Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
(flag:KR) Korea, Republic of
(flag:KW) uwait, State of
(flag:KG) Kyrgyz Republic
(flag:LA) Lao People’s Democratic Republic
(flag:LV) Latvia
(flag:LB) Lebanon, Lebanese Republic
(flag:LS) Lesotho, Kingdom of
(flag:LR) Liberia, Republic of
(flag:LY) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
(flag:LI) Liechtenstein, Principality of
(flag:LT) Lithuania
(flag:LU) Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of
(flag:MO) Macao, Special Administrative Region of China
(flag:MK) Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
(flag:MG) Madagascar, Republic of
(flag:MW) Malawi, Republic of
(flag:MY) Malaysia
(flag:MV) Maldives, Republic of
(flag:ML) Mali, Republic of
(flag:MT) Malta, Republic of
(flag:MH) Marshall Islands
(flag:MQ) Martinique
(flag:MR) Mauritania, Islamic Republic of
(flag:MU) Mauritius
(flag:YT) Mayotte
(flag:MX) Mexico, United Mexican States
(flag:FM) Micronesia, Federated States of
(flag:MD) Moldova, Republic of
(flag:MC) Monaco, Principality of
(flag:MN) Mongolia, Mongolian People’s Republic
(flag:MS) Montserrat
(flag:MA) Morocco, Kingdom of
(flag:MZ) Mozambique, People’s Republic of
(flag:MM) Myanmar (was Burma)
(flag:NA) Namibia
(flag:NR) Nauru, Republic of
(flag:NP) Nepal, Kingdom of
(flag:AN) Netherlands Antilles
(flag:NL) Netherlands, Kingdom of the
(flag:NC) New Caledonia
(flag:NZ) New Zealand
(flag:NI) Nicaragua, Republic of
(flag:NE) Niger, Republic of the
(flag:NG) Nigeria, Federal Republic of
(flag:NU) Niue, Republic of
(flag:NF) Norfolk Island
(flag:MP) Northern Mariana Islands
(flag:NO) Norway, Kingdom of
(flag:OM) Oman, Sultanate of (was Muscat and Oman)
(flag:PK) Pakistan, Islamic Republic of
(flag:PW) Palau
(flag:PS) Palestinian Territory, Occupied
(flag:PA) Panama, Republic of
(flag:PG) Papua New Guinea
(flag:PY) Paraguay, Republic of
(flag:PE) Peru, Republic of
(flag:PH) Philippines, Republic of the
(flag:PN) Pitcairn Island
(flag:PL) Poland, Polish People’s Republic
(flag:PT) Portugal, Portuguese Republic
(flag:PR) Puerto Rico
(flag:QA) Qatar, State of
(flag:RE) Reunion
(flag:RO) Romania, Socialist Republic of
(flag:RU) Russian Federation
(flag:RW) Rwanda, Rwandese Republic
(flag:SH) St. Helena
(flag:KN) St. Kitts and Nevis
(flag:LC) St. Lucia
(flag:PM) St. Pierre and Miquelon
(flag:VC) St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(flag:WS) Samoa, Independent State of (was Western Samoa)
(flag:SM) San Marino, Republic of
(flag:ST) Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of
(flag:SA) Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
(flag:SN) Senegal, Republic of
(flag:CS) Serbia and Montenegro
(flag:SC) Seychelles, Republic of
(flag:SL) Sierra Leone, Republic of
(flag:SG) Singapore, Republic of
(flag:SK) Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
(flag:SI) Slovenia
(flag:SB) Solomon Islands (was British Solomon Islands)
(flag:SO) Somalia, Somali Republic
(flag:ZA) South Africa, Republic of
(flag:GS) South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
(flag:ES) Spain, Spanish State
(flag:LK) Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of (was Ceylon)
(flag:SD) Sudan, Democratic Republic of the
(flag:SR) Suriname, Republic of
(flag:SZ) Swaziland, Kingdom of
(flag:SE) Sweden, Kingdom of
(flag:CH) Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
(flag:SY) Syrian Arab Republic
(flag:TW) Taiwan, Province of China
(flag:TJ) Tajikistan
(flag:TZ) Tanzania, United Republic of
(flag:TH) Thailand, Kingdom of
(flag:TL) Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of
(flag:TG) Togo, Togolese Republic
(flag:TK) Tokelau (Tokelau Islands)
(flag:TO) Tonga, Kingdom of
(flag:TT) Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of
(flag:TN) Tunisia, Republic of
(flag:TR) Turkey, Republic of
(flag:TM) Turkmenistan
(flag:TC) Turks and Caicos Islands
(flag:TV) Tuvalu (was part of Gilbert & Ellice Islands)
(flag:VI) US Virgin Islands
(flag:UG) Uganda, Republic of
(flag:UA) Ukraine
(flag:AE) United Arab Emirates (was Trucial States)
(flag:GB) United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland
(flag:UM) United States Minor Outlying Islands
(flag:US) United States of America
(flag:UY) Uruguay, Eastern Republic of
(flag:UZ) Uzbekistan
(flag:VU) Vanuatu (was New Hebrides)
(flag:VE) Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
(flag:VN) Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of (was Democratic Republic of & Republic of)
(flag:WF) Wallis and Futuna Islands
(flag:EH) Western Sahara (was Spanish Sahara)
(flag:YE) Yemen
(flag:ZM) Zambia, Republic of
(flag:ZW) Zimbabwe (was Southern Rhodesia)
From here: http://www.emoticonsskype.com/flags.html
See here for more posts on Skype: http://handytechtips.blogspot.com/search?q=skype Beware when editing Skype messages to Linux users… Skype chat: taking control of the group chat session
Update on Tue 1 May 2012:
Thanks to comment from lLOlBO on 30th Apr 30 2012:
I discovered (oliver) I’m the first one to find it so far i guess :D

I checked in Skype's memory and confirmed there are no more hiding in version 5.8 except for these already mentioned in the comments below:

What do you mean "I checked in Skype's memory"? Well, thanks to this blog article Viewing strings in executables I found this info from @DidierStevens on viewing strings in exe files that are encrypted or packed:
So, I ran
and then right clicked on "Skype" then Properties->Strings->Memory then search for an emoticon's text eg: oliver. There you can see all the other hidden emoticons ;)
Updated on 26 Oct 2012:
I have searched through the Skype 6.0 code and there seem to be no extra emoticons :(